Thursday, January 20, 2011

Justerini & Brooks 25 Years Old

01/26/2011: Anaclasis: A haunting gospel of malice & hatred

Hate: Anaclasis: A haunting gospel of malice & hatred (2005)
Author: Miguel Martínez

1. Anaclasis
Necropolis 3. Hex
4. Malediction
5. Euphoria of the New Breed
6. Razorblade
7. Immortality
8. Fountains of Blood to Reach Heaven

General information about the band: Banda
formed in 1990 in Warsaw, capital of Poland. began developing a style within Death Metal, which eventually touches of Black Metal. 8 discs have long-term study and are part of the elite of Polish bands recognized worldwide, although not at the level of Behemoth, Vader and Decapitated.
Recommendation Label:
In countries like Poland it seems that extreme metal is here to stay. The movement of death / black metal and other genres powerful in this country began with the band Vader, the most important scene in your state. Subsequently, and following the great success of this trend worldwide to date as Behemoth and Decapitated groups have become an international seal of metal polish.

However, today is the turn of another band born in the country of East Central Europe. We refer to the Hate group who recommend their album called "Anaclasis: A Haunting Gospel of Malice and Hatred." The band was formed early in the decade of the 90's and in '96 they released their first studio material. Since then remain active in the line of death / black metal-themed songs about Satanism, anti-Christianity and other expressions of the human dark. His material "Anaclasis" as commonly called, is the fifth in his career.
Edited by Listenable Records and released in October 2005, the "Anaclasis" is considered by many metal fans as the most important in the career of Hate. Notwithstanding the fact that the influence can be felt much further Behemoth and Vader, from the resemblance of his music with such groups, perhaps the "Anaclasis" the one that seeks a particular sound and independent Hate. Anyway, this recording material is a release of power from start to finish and highly recommended for those who enjoy the more extreme side of metal.

Songs like "Necropolis", "Hex" or own "Anaclasis" are a coup for the death metal. Really good riffs, an awesome drummer, fast and overwhelming, and a set of voices makes devilish Hate not ask, at least on this record, nothing to anyone. The quality of the tracks can be seen in each, viewed separately or as a whole, members of a brutal album since his first riffs and blast-beats up his "Fountains of Blood to Reach Heaven ", the final track. Within its consolidated and aggressiveness, are on "Euphoria of the New Breed" and "Malediction" two of the heaviest songs on this album. If you're a fan of extreme metal, this album is certainly for you. Official Website

Hate Hate on MySpace

Want to listen to this album? CLICK HERE


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