Monday, March 21, 2011

Ultrasound Image Of Downs Syndrome Babies

Using Internet banking

not use Internet banking is like having a remote control to change further by standing at the TV.

The answer to the question Why is it advisable to use the banking services offered through the Internet?, Is simple, for convenience, speed and course, for safety.

To prevent transfers, spending time and be exposed to suffer a mishap, it is worth trying to learn how to take advantage of better services found in today's Financial Institutions allow us access through the electronic network.

can make credit card payments, purchase airtime for the phone, even make interbank transfers, pay for services (electricity, water, landline and cellular, pay television, schools, subscriptions, and insurance among many others.

During 24 hours a day, you may make inquiries, checking account statements, conduct or schedule operations to be conducted in accordance with our interests automatically, receive email confirmations o vía celular, y solicitar información y ayuda en caso necesario, hasta contratar servicios adicionales.


Mantenga sus datos de acceso en forma segura (no los anote en cualquier parte). Al acceder al área de su panel personal dentro del portal bancario, observe siempre que lo hace en el sitio correcto, asegúrese que aparece su nombre y el candado de seguridad , y que la URL en la barra de direcciones se muestra el protocolo de pagina segura es decir: https (note que lleva la "s" al final).

Si nunca lo ha hecho y tiene dudas acerca de la safety or proper procedures to make use of Internet banking, do not hesitate!, contact your bank and ask for assistance, we will be glad to assist you.


Image source: h

Until next time.


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