Monday, February 28, 2011

Can You Be Allergic To Toffee

Robert T. Kiyosaki CASHFLOW game creator

This note is not my intention to repeat what many have said on background or biographical information on Robert Toru Kiyosaki , which are undoubtedly very interesting, because from his famous known book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and its popular game "CASHFLOW" with which was released worldwide, has become much more than a great investor and motivational speaker, an educator and author of undoubted Best Sellers.
For those seeking this information, let me recommend visiting Wikipedia, where there are great notes on his childhood, his youth, his time as an entrepreneur and writer about his relationship with Sharon L. Lechter, collaborator and co-author of at least seven of his books, and Kim Kiyosaki, a woman who has excelled as an entrepreneur, writer and now his life partner.

also mentioned some of their projects and interesting facts regarding his controversial debate concepts that have resulted, including an interesting comparison between Karl Marx Robert Kiyosaki and identifying the solutions which at the time, each has proposed to the problem of belonging to the salaried class.

also cite all works published to date by Kiyosaki, and anecdotally discussed for its relationship with its large childhood friend, Mike, and the well known millionaire Donald Trump, with whom he shared the authorship of "We Want Seas Rico

For my part, the intention of placing this note is because I think Kiyosaki's works are truly required reading for those wanting to learn simple language and entertaining on financial intelligence, how to make money work for us and a creative formula for achieving economic independence that we all want.

So the real reason for this post is to give the following notice:

I added in my Virtual Library a collection of 10 files in various formats (electronic books, audios and videos ) , referring to several of the works of Robert T. Kiyosaki e spero sincerely that advantage.

To go to my Virtual Library just have to give CLICK HERE.


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