Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Free Sample Letters To A Depressed Friend

But ... let's see ...

Are we assholes for what? Our country is rolled in feces accounting and what is considered the signing of a coach for a football club in the public interest? To the point "broadcast live across a woman like CNN news network and, by extension, in El Pais Digital?

"These are our ... 'Ayatollahs'?

not only have to endure episodes like Manolo Lama a few days ago, but we are forced to swallow this nonsense and inanities as live coverage of the signing of a football coach.

noses This is wrong. The heads of the media is decidedly ill-for selling.

Here is a brief comparative analysis of the garbage that was broadcast live for days with the huge and famous scene Salo or the 120 nights of Sodom of Pier Paolo Pasolini .


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