Fashion and our finances email I recently received this interesting note inviting us to reflect on our impulse consumption as a result of social pressure and its effect on our finances. I think it's worth the penalty to include it in this blog because if a little long, raises interesting concepts.
The article was published by the New York Times, and its original title is the question:
Are simple cell embarrassment?
The text has the experience of Chris Glionna, supervisor of restaurants in a known company, with his old cell. As the phone gave him the needed service, not worried to be out of fashion. But ... (There's always a but) his colleagues teased him and laughed when it drew its "paperweight" of the case. Came to feel so shame that a couple of months I changed to a BlackBerry.
reads Dr. Alejandro Morton: The Crisis in the world is, among other things, the insecurity that people have in themselves, his constant need to buy will never be satisfied because they expect that personal satisfaction comes from what he has bought, and never will.
social level we have not realized that the uncontrolled impulse to buy is, in essence, the root cause of the economic crisis and has spread worldwide, fueled by an insatiable financial system provided resources to buy those without how ".
Few things are more stressful than trying to keep fashion in clothing, footwear, accessories, technology, travel, food, restaurants, homes, furniture, cars and add everything. Who has excess money can buy, use and disposal, but those of us subject to a budget should care what we buy and understand why and what we buy.
Indeed, there is social pressure But we must ask ourselves how much we allow ourselves to press and press.
What is the problem to be laughed at our old cell? Laughter is good and if you do not like the phone may joke at the expense of it and criticize the device to its owner or both. The problem is theirs, not the owner of the phone, unless it agrees.
Unfortunately today one refers to people by their possessions, "is the guy in the red convertible" or "The lady who used designer clothes and has a big house" or "It's the director who's always on Fashion. That is, his personality comes from what is necessary, but as expendable. The first thing can not be bought anywhere, at any second, if you have the means to do so.
A close friend is a billionaire, but we found out by accident after years of knowing him. It's simple, generous, adaptable to all and enjoy the enjoyable. Never assumed and never brags about anything because it is very clear what is important in your life.
traps social pressure have always been there. Fall into them who do not know themselves and have a set of values \u200b\u200bfocused on social and developmental deficiencies have been affective.
The staff does not fill empty or full closets, and luxury cars, jewelry or exclusive, and luxury accessories. Satisfaction insatiable consumer does not come to possess things, but to show off to others.
Do you have a cell that his "friends" laugh when you use it? Laugh with them and wear it until you like it. Would you hurt the mockery? Then AMIGOS NO CHANGE OF CELLULAR ... That's fair.
Until next time.