Friday, July 16, 2010

Mustache Removal Cream

Vatican ... yes yes now ... to see ... Slavery in Logroño

The Vatican has a new more stringent rules against sexual abuse noticia/765833/0/normas/vaticano/abusos /


First cases of sexual abuse to children in our ranks, instead of covering up pedophilia and do nothing ... need to be more dramatic ... stronger in the reaction. The rule to follow is as follows:

Do Nothing, nothing and nothing

have to be more forceful ... for the account that brings.

Yearbook Volleyball Titles

... Idle

I wonder what the hell happens in this country to inspections of work:

Apparently, there is no English citizens regarding this case, Portuguese police said. What surprises me is how you can work in Spain being kidnapped and no inspection to detect it.

How many things will happen we do not know in our own territory?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Is It Ok To Masterbate After Tooth Extraction

Ministerial Ministry of Spain José Saramago

E-mail the Minister of the Ministry of inactivity Ministerial of Spain to his wife on the occasion of the recent holiday period. Hello

nasty bitch,

in Brussels and I still am thinking to advance the return trip. I thought we might visit your filthy fucking when our daughters have completed the exams. What do you think? So we take off the engagement nothing very beginning of the summer and then have time to go on vacation.

When you know something tell me, bitch. We'll see after tomorrow.


hypothetical letter from a minister to his wife. This post is a collation of the following:

As you can see the language used not encourages contempt. Is clear. So much so that a future Minister can use with your own family. If this e-mail had been broadcast live by a television before thousands of spectators, it would not be reason to consider it as an affront to the recipients of the letter. Why did our politicians make reason prevail and values \u200b\u200bover various interests.

(Chip ironic ON)

I'm very proud of our politicians. Of hypothetical and not so hypothetical.

(Chip ironic OFF)