Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sew In Hairstyles With Bangs


Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministry of Higher Education

Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana
Vice President for Academic

Chair in Computer Engineering: Introduction to Computer Science.


Puerto Ordaz, July 2007. CONTENTS Introduction

4 5

Development Flowchart 5

flowchart Importance
flowchart Benefits

6 Development of a flow chart

7 Symbols used in troubleshooting flowcharts.
Other symbols of flowcharts. Issues Resolved
flowcharts. Exercise

14 No 1
Exercise # 2 Exercise

16 No. 3
bubble sort method.
Advantages and disadvantages of the bubble sort method.
Search Method
21 sequential and binary search method

sequential search method
binary search method 24

Fundamental differences between sequential search method and binary.
Advantages and disadvantages of sequential method and binary search. Conclusion

27 29 30

Recommended Bibliography and electronic references

31 32

Annexes Annex 1 Annex 2

33 33

The flow chart in addition to being a graphic representation is the sequence or simple routine that is intended to facilitate communication between people.

are of great importance since they help to designate any graphical representation of a procedure or part of this, the flow chart as its name says it represents the flow of information from a procedure.

this technique is to devise a plan in itself the instructions on the computer and makes known to others in order to eliminate confusion.

There are several methods for carrying out a procedure, can be a way of sorting or searching.

management method processes the data, ranks and sorts them.

search method locates an item within a data structure.


A flow chart or flow diagram or flowchart is a graphical representation of what you want the computer to do.

A flowchart is one of the techniques of representation of older algorithm and increasingly used, although its use has declined considerably, particularly since the advent of structured programming languages. A flowchart is a diagram that uses symbols (boxes) standard.

A simple example might be: suppose you want the computer to calculate twice 3 and then prints the answer: the diagram is as follows:

The reader should not be fooled by the simplicity of our example. Flow charts are virtually always more complex than previously shown. In practice, a flow chart covers many pages. Importance

flow diagrams are of great importance because of the great advantages that this brings.

algorithms representation helps the user to quickly consider the relationship between the procedures can be broken down into detailed parts for its study. Also show the system as a network of functional processes connected by so-called "Pipeline" and "deposits" of data describing the movement of data through the system, which describes the origin and destination locations of data transformations that are subject to data locations in which data is stored within the system, the channels along which data. In addition to this we can say that this is a grid representation of a system in which it provides in terms of its components, indicating a link between them.

And if properly constructed, the flow chart over a programming language is relatively simple and straightforward.

Advantages of Flowcharts
facilitate understanding of the process through to display it as a drawing. The human brain easily recognizes the drawings. A good flow chart replaces several pages of text.
Identify problems and opportunities for process improvement. Redundant steps are identified, the flow of the reprocessing, conflicts of authority, responsibilities, bottlenecks, and decision points. Show
customer-supplier interfaces and transactions carried out therein, giving employees the same analysis.
are an excellent tool to train new employees and also those engaged in the task, when making process improvements.
Development of a Flow Chart
The Following are actions prior to the completion of the flow chart:
Identify the participants of the meeting where the project flowchart. The owner must be present or responsible for the process, owners or managers of pre and post and other related processes, other interested parties. Define
expected from the flow chart.
Identify who will use it and how.
Set the level of detail required.
determine the limits of the process to describe
The steps to construct the flow chart are:
establish the scope of the process described. This will also set the beginning and end of diagram. Often the onset is the output of the preprocessing and the final entry to the next process.
Identify and list the main activities / threads that are included in the process to describe and their chronological order.
prune If the level defined to include minor activities, list them also. Identify and list
decision points. Build
respecting the timing diagram and assigning the corresponding symbols.
Assign a title to the diagram and verify it is complete and accurately describes the process chosen.

Symbols used in troubleshooting flowcharts:



represents the beginning and end of a program. Can also be a scheduled stop or interruption necessary to perform in a program.
Input / Output Any

entering data into memory from peripherals or registration information processed in a peripheral. Process

Any operation that can cause change in value, format or location of information stored in memory, arithmetic operations, transformations, etc. Decision

or logical operations of comparison between data (usually two) and depending the result it determines (usually yes and no) which of several alternative paths of the program should continue
same page

connector is used to link any two parts of a diagram through an output connector and a connector entry. Refers to the connection on the same page
indicator diagram or flow line direction

Indicates the direction of the execution of operations. Document

sometimes is used instead of the symbol output. The drawing represents a piece of foil. It is used to display data or results.

Other symbols used in flowcharts
predefined process: a independent of the main program module, which receives input from the program performs a specific task and returns at the end, the main program. Line connecting

: serves as a union between two symbols.

connector to another page: connection between two points on the chart located on different pages.

Display: is sometimes used instead of the symbol I / O

Keyboard: manual entry of data from a computer terminal or console. It is sometimes used instead of the symbol E / S.

registry or punch card, for reading instructions or perforation.

Magnetic Disk File-to instructions read, write or update (rewrite).

File on tape: to read or write instructions. Structure

Repeat: to raise statements that are repeated a controlled number of times.

Multiple Choice: (depending on the result of the comparison is still one of the various ways in accordance with this result.

Comments: Used to add comments to other classifiers flowchart symbols. You can draw on either side of the symbol.

the programmer must ensure that you tell your computer what to do in the correct order. In the following flowchart is done improperly:

As mentioned earlier this diagram is made improperly because they are being asked to print the answer before calculating it. This is, of course, absurd. Developers inadvertently do things that go far beyond what they support.
An important point is: the knowledge of how to write flow charts does not mean knowledge of how to program.
When you have a problem, the developer must follow in order to solve the problem. Accordingly, you should consider the method used, because they give all the instructions on how to proceed in the future when similar problems arise.
The diagrams above are very simple, they show various kinds of symbols connected by arrows. Moreover, in other examples the operations in the symbols are executed only once, ie, that never repeat.
However, a flowchart can go back on itself. For example:

fixed issues flowcharts:

Exercise 1:

Calculate the value of the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ... + 100

Solution: Variables

Contador (read numbers)
Sum (total sum)
Set counter to 1.
Set sum to 0. While
counter to sum. Add
counter to sum.
Increase counter by 1. Show
sum. End

The diagram represents this:

Exercise 2: Define
algorithm necessary to exchange the values \u200b\u200bof two numerical variables. Variables

A first value second value

B AUX Auxiliary Variable
Read A, B
A ← A ← B ← B AUX

Write A, B


Exercise 3:

Calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba triangle

Entry: base * height
Process: base * height / 2
area _
Algorithm _triángulo area;
Declare base, height and area of \u200b\u200breal type;
Write ("Enter the value of base and height respectively);
Read (base, height);
A = base * height / 2;
Write (" The result is " area);
The diagram represents this:

bubble sort is a simple Bubble Sort sorting algorithm. Functional reviewing each element of the list will be ordered in the next, swapping the position they are in the wrong order.
It is necessary to review the entire list several times until they need more exchanges, which means that the list is sorted. This algorithm gets its name from the shape you up for the list elements for the exchanges, like tiny "bubbles." Also known as the method of direct interchange.
In short, the bubble sort method is repeatedly cycled through the list, comparing adjacent elements in pairs. If an item is greater than the one in the next position are exchanged.
Below is the pseudocode, where Vector (position) is a function that returns the element at a given position in the list, NOT ORDERED _ (a, b) returns TRUE if the elements are in place b:
While unordered list, do
To iCasilla from start to finish-1
If NO _ ORDERED (Vector (iCasilla), Vector (iCasilla +1)) then _ Auxiliary Variable
= Vector (iCasilla)
Vector (iCasilla) = Vector (iCasilla +1)
Vector (iCasilla +1) = _ Auxiliary Variable Fin

If End While Next iCasilla

ordination or classification is the process of organizing data in a specific order or sequence as increasing or descending for numeric data or alphabetically for character data.

Method Bubble or Exchange is based on the principle of comparing pairs of adjacent elements and exchange among themselves until they are all sorted.

Suppose you want to sort in ascending order of the vector or list:

50 15 56 14 35 1 12 9
A (1) A (2) A (3) A (4) A (5) A (6) A (7) A (8)

The next steps are: 1 .-

Compare A (1) and A (2), if in order, are kept as they are, otherwise exchange with each other.
2 .- A comparison of elements 2 and 3 are exchanged again if necessary.
3 .- The process continues until each element of the vector has been compared with their adjacent elements and exchanges have been made necessary.

method and pseudo expressed in the first design is:

Since I = I to 7 to
If element (I)> element (I +1)
then exchange items (I, I +1)
_ End if _ End
action exchanged between the values \u200b\u200bof the elements A (I), A (I +1), is a composite action that contains the following, considering an auxiliary variable AUX.

AUX ← A (I)
A (I) ← A (I +1)
A (I +1) ← AUX

Graphically depicted as follows:

Advantages and Disadvantages the bubble sort method. Benefits
bubble sort method: Quite simply

In a small code system is performed

Effective Disadvantages of bubble sort method:
computer time consuming
requires many reads / writes in memory. Methods

sequential search and binary:

Methods Search:

Information retrieval as already mentioned, is one of the most important applications of the computer.
Search (searching) of information is related to the tables to query (lookup). These tables contain a wealth of information that are stored as lists of pairs of data. For example, a dictionary with a list of words and definitions, a catalog with a list of computer books, a list of students and their notes, an index of titles and contents of the article published in a particular magazine, etc. In all these cases is often necessary to find an item in a list.

Once the item is found, the identification of relevant information is a minor problem. Therefore, we focus on the search process. Suppose you want to find the vector X [1] ... X [n] which have numerical components to see if it contains or not a given number of T.

If instead of dealing vectors, you want to find information in a file, be searched from a field of information called key fields. Thus in the case files of employees of a company, the key field may be the ID number or last name.

The search for clues to locate records is often one of the largest consumer of lead time and therefore how the records are ready and the choice of mode used for search may result in a substantial difference in program performance.
The problem falls naturally from the typical cases already treated. If there are many records, may be necessary to store on disk or tape files, external to the computer memory. This case is called External Search. In the other case seeking records that are stored entirely within the computer memory, this is called Internal Search.

In practice, the search is the operation of finding the position of an element among a set of given elements: list, table or file.

Typical examples of searches are:

Locate name and surname of a student, find a phone number book, etc..

There are different search algorithms. The algorithm chosen depends on the way data are organized.

The search operation of an element N in a set of elements is:

determine whether N belongs to the set and then indicate their position.
determine if N does not belong to the set.

methods usual search criteria:

sequential or linear search.
binary search.

Sequential Search Method:

Suppose a list of items stored in a vector (one dimensional array). The simple method of searching an element in a vector is the vector sequentially scan or other words that go between the vector from the first element to the last. If the item is sought to display a message similar to 'to search', otherwise display a message similar to 'element does not exist in the list. "

In other words, the sequential search compares each element vector with the desired value, until it is finished or read the full vector. Sequential search requires no requirement by the vector and therefore need not be ordered. The route of vector will normally be done with repetitive structures.

Binary Search Method:

In a sequential search begins with the first element of the vector and searches until it finds the desired item or reaches the end of the vector.

While this may be an appropriate method to limited data, we need a more effective technique for large data sets.

If the number of elements of the vector is large, the linear search algorithm in time would slow considerably. For example, if we were to see a name in the phone book of a major city such as Madrid, with an estimated one million subscribers, the search time, as the name could perpetuate naturally, people who live there great city never use a sequential search method, but a method that is based on the successive division of the space occupied by the vector in successive halves to find the desired element.

If the data being sought are classified in a certain order, the above method is called binary search.

The binary search method uses a 'divide and rule' to locate the desired value. This method first examines the central element of the list, if this is the desired element, then the search is over. Otherwise, it determines whether the desired element is in the first or second half of the list and then repeat this process, using the central element of this sublist. Suppose the list:

If the item you are looking for 1983, examines the central number 1898 in the sixth. Since 1983 is greater than 1898, the first sublist despises him and focus on the latter.

1983 2005

central element

2446 2685 3200

The focus of this sub-list number is 2446 and 1983 the search item is less than 2446, remove the second sub-list and we have:

1983 2005

Since there is no middle term, we chose the term immediately preceding the central term, 1983, which is sought.

three comparisons were necessary while the sequential search would have needed seven.

Search binary vectors used in order is based on the constant division of search space (travel vector). As mentioned, we start by comparing the item you are looking for, not the first element, but with the central element. If desired element element T is less than the central element, then T must be in the left half or less of the vector, if it is greater than the central vector, must be in the right half or more, and if as the central value, will have found the desired element.

The search process should end normally know whether the search was successful (it has found the item has either not been successful (not found the item, normally it must return the element's position within the vector sought.

Fundamental differences between sequential search method, binary:


requires no requirement by the vector.
The vector must be neat. Compare
each vector element with which you want to find.
Divide the space occupied by the vector in successive halves, to find the desired item.
first vector is examined based on the first element until the last.
vector is examined starting from the central element of the list.
consumes too much time in locating the item designated therefore recommended for limited data vectors. Efficient
relation to time, if the vector is ordered for it, so it is recommended for large data set.

Advantages and disadvantages of sequential search method, binary

is not necessary that the vector is ordered.
Excessive time in locating the item to find out if the vector contains large quantities of items, as it travels around the vector.
Divide the space occupied by the vector in successive halves, to find the desired element.
vectors is not feasible for large numbers of elements.
first element is examined central list or sublist.
Trek all the vector, from first to the last item.
vectors feasible for large numbers of items.
vector is necessary for the orderly.


The flowchart is one of the main instruments in the performance of any method or system They allow the display of unnecessary activities and see if the distribution of work is balanced.

The bubble method is the most commonly used for easy understanding and programming but rather time-consuming computer.

As for management technique by the bubble method, is to make several passes through the array. In each pass, successive pairs are compared element. If a couple is in increasing order (or the values \u200b\u200bare identical), the values \u200b\u200bare left as they are. If a couple is in decreasing order, their values \u200b\u200bare exchanged in the array.

sequential search method compares each element of the vector with the value to be found until this is achieved or finish reading the entire vector.

binary search method this is one of the efficient methods to find elements of an ordered array. The process begins by comparing the central element of the array with the desired value.

is easy to adapt the sequential search to use a sorted linked list, which makes the search more effective. It is easy to maintain order each record inserted in the place where to end an unsuccessful search and every search ends when there is a record with a key no less than the search key.


To prepare a flow chart should be taken into account following recommendations:

is important and necessary to follow a common chart of steps or processes to achieve the solution of the problem. It is recommended that the construction of the diagram is correct, as well as a step of the programming language. If correct it may be relatively simple for the understanding of people outside the development of the aircraft and allows the problem to be solved in a more efficient and direct.

Seek the best possible alternative for solving the problem, since the flow diagrams require an analysis of all possible ways to find solution to any situation or problem.

should be used only horizontal flow lines and / or vertical.
should avoid crossing lines using the connectors.
connectors should be used only when necessary.
There should be no flow lines unconnected.
symbols should be drawn so that they can be read from top to bottom and from left to right.
All texts written in a symbol must be written clearly, avoiding the use of many words.


Mario V. Farina, Flowcharts. DIANA TECNICO.1990 Mexico City

Joyan, Luís. Fundamentals Programming. Publisher: McGraw-Hill. Madrid, Spain.

http://es.Wikipedia.org/wiki/ordenamiento_de_burbuja # column-one

http://www.monografias.com/trabajos42/diagrama-de-flujo/diagrama-de-flujo2.shtml # problem
# expl


Illustration of the binary search